PUBLICATIONS: Chiogioji, Rodney & Hallett H. Hammatt (1997) "Na Makani Piao Lua o Kawaihae: A Historical documentation study of Kawaihae 2nd Ahupua‘a, South Kohala District, Island of Hawai‘i" Prepared for the Queen Emma Foundation. Honolulu: Cultural Surveys Hawaii. Ellis, William (1969) Polynesian Researches: Hawaii Rutland: Charles E. Tuttle & Company. Freycinet, Louis Claude (1978) Hawai‘i in 1819: A Narrative Account by Louis Claude De Saulse De Freycinet (Ella L. Wiswell, trans.) Pacific Anthropological Records No. 26 Honolulu, Department of Anthropology, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Juvik, Sonia P. and James O. Juvik, eds.( 1998) Atlas of Hawai‘i Thomas R. Paradise, chief cartographer. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. Kelly, Marion (1974) E ho‘olono i ke kai hawanawana – Listen to the Whispering Sea: Historical survey of the Waimea to Kawaihae road corridor, Island of Hawai‘i Honolulu: Department of Anthropology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Reprint of report 74-1). McEldowney, Holly (1983) Report 16, "A Description of Major Vegetation Patterns in the Waimea-Kawaihae Region during the Early Historic Period," in Jeffrey T. Clark and Patrick V. Kirch, eds., Archaeological Investigations of the Mudlane-Waimea-Kawaihae Road Corridor, Island of Hawai`i: An Interdisciplianry Study of an Environmental Transect, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, published by the state of Hawai`i Department of Transportation. Pukui, Mary Kawena (1983) 'Olelo No'eau: Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press. . Mamo image: Rothschild, Walter (1893-1900) The
Avifauna of Laysan and the neighbouring islands with a complete history
to date of the birds of the Hawaiian possession. London: R.H. Porter.Smithsonian
Institution Libraries digital edition, 2003. Loebenstein, A.B., surveyor (1903) Kawaihae 2nd, South Kohala, Hawaii One inch = 1000 feet. Except where stated otherwise, all photographs by RDK Herman, Pacific Worlds. WEBSITES:
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