Lesson 7: Memories |
Lesson at a glance You'll explore the historical transformation of your land division since the turn of the 20th century, paying special attention to events that are still remembered by living persons. This includes changes in land use, land ownership, economics, population dynamics, and any special local events that defined the area.
This lesson brings you up to the present. It prepares you for the final Onwards lesson, where we look at present-day issues and activities. There are some major themes in 20th century Pacific Island history
that are likely to be found widely, for example, WWII, and post-war
changes. These are particularly useful for considering how such shared
experiences actually differed according to where they happened: Hawai'i,
Guam, Yap, Fiji, for example. Lesson Outcomes: You will:
Exercises Exercise
1: Chronology Using historical materials your island entity,make a chronology of major events. You can choose any point as your starting point, such as the arrival of the first explorers, or the unification of your island group.
Which is better: written history or oral history? Discuss.
2: Early 20th Century What was the political status of your entity?
3: Oral History Working alone or with your friends use a tape or Mini-Disk recorder to interview an older relative or local elder, about their lives. Ask specific questions, such as: Remembering WWII (if the interviewee is old enough), and/or the post-war years, and how things changed; What major changes have they seen in their lives? You can use events from your chronology to prompt them, if necessary, to think about the impact of specific, larger-scale events like Independence or change of political status; What sort of work did people do in the "old days" ? What did they do for food? How
did one get around the island? Exercise
4: World War II and after If you obtained information about WWII in your area, compare these stories to those from other websites. What about changes after the War? What were the major forces of change? How effective have they been?
Exercise 5: Land Use Using historical maps of your area (if available), discuss the changes of land use in your area for the period that your maps cover. Put these changes into the context of the history you have seen in the previous exercises. Consider how historical forces manifest in actual changes on the land.
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