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ChronologyWWII  |   On Fedraey  |   Postwar  |  Coast Guard  |   Education  |   Language  |  Sources & Links

Chapter Contents:


A timeline for events in Ulithi and in Yap during the 20th century.

Memeory 1

World War II
The War came fast and hard to Ulithi, and though the fighting did not last long, it left strong memories behind. Many Ulithians were on Yap at the time. Special pages cover casualties from the attacks, and another covers Alphonso's experience on Ptongeras.

Memory 2

On Fedraey
When the U.S. military arrived in force, the islanders were all moved down to Fedraey and concentrated there. While the other islands were transformed into military bases, the resident islanders adjusted to a new life.

Memory 3

Postwar Ulithi
After the military left and the islanders returned to their home islands, they found landscapes transformed. The postwar period proved an transition in coming to grips

Memory 4

Coast Guard Time
After the Navy left, the Coast Guard maintained a LORAN station, first on Ptongeras, and then later on Falalop. Culture on Ulithi began to change during this time, and new policies led to the end of long-range canoe trips.

Memory 5

During the Trust Territory years, schools began to grow in Ulithi. A high school started on Asor then moved to Falalop, and served all of Yap's Outer Islands. Peace Corps volunteers came from 1967. We hear about the impact of these years.


Terms relating to History and Change.


Sources & Links
Links to related web sites
Bibliography and Sources

Special Essays: Methods for Oral History
Two essays provide guidance on doing oral history projects with indigenous elders.

ChronologyWWII  |   On Fedraey  |   Postwar  |  Coast Guard  |   Education  |   Language  |  Sources & Links
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